Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday morning update

No sign of Tes yet. We have put flyers up across downtown Vienna and the surrounding neighborhoods. Emails have gone out to dog lovers and neighbors in Vienna. Posts are up on Craigslist, facebook, HART, and Lost Dog Rescue. Thanks so much to everyone who is keeping an eye out. We still haven't had a sighting of Tes. If anyone sees her, please call 703-554-4973 or 703-785-8933.


  1. be sure to also get photos to the police dept. and all the animal control, shelters and humane societies in the area...hope you find your girl soon! sorry I'm not in the area to help...debbie d.

  2. If you post a flier to the blog, I'll be in the area on Saturday and can post some fliers.

  3. My dog slipped her collar last March.

    Some things to do if you haven't already:

    - Hit up ALL the local animal shelters, humane societies, vet's offices, etc.
    - ; they'll call up to 1500 neighbors in the surrounding area.
    - - She is a great resource - will bring down her German Shepherd dogs. Anne is her name.

    Most of all, keep walking around, and try to walk from where she was lost to your house so Tesla can find your scent home. That's how my Zoe came home.

    We'll keep hoping for you.
